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Piñata and cocktail fun at Woodstock Residential Care Home


We kicked off our Spanish-themed week here at Woodstock Residential Care Home with a game of Piñata.

Everyone had great fun hitting the Piñata and seeing who could break it open to release all the delicious sweets inside.

It created lots of energy and excitement and once it was finally broken open, we shared out the sweets.


Our Woodstock residents enjoyed a cocktail before they set off on their virtual Cruise to Spain – and why not!

We served homemade sangria and piña coladas, which went down very well!

The sangria was made from red wine, brandy, orange juice and brown sugar (for our residents who like a little tipple) and the piña coladas were made from pineapple juice and lemonade. Very refreshing!

Let’s hope our Captain Charles doesn’t have too many cocktails before we board our ship, as we could end up in Timbuktu!


Woodstock Residential Care Home residents enjoying a Piñata and cocktails

Such a fun day of treats!



