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Light exercise and balloon tennis at Woodstock Residential Care Home

Music and movement

We’ve had a lovely morning with our residents at Woodstock Residential Care Home, doing some light exercises together using bright coloured scarves to wave.

We encouraged everyone to lift their arms to music and also practised some gentle leg exercises.

ABBA was our choice of music and our residents also joined in singing along! We found that this is a really fun way to do our exercises, as our ladies and gents get more involved and move their bodies in time to the beats.

Balloon tennis

Our ladies and gents got competitive playing a giant game of balloon tennis today!

We set ourselves up into two teams, by sectioning the room off with flags, then the music went on and it was ‘game on‘!

This was a good way to make use of all the balloons we had left over from our D-Day celebrations. Great fun!

Balloon tennis at Woodstock Residential Care Home




