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Birthday wishes for Gracie and Peter at Woodstock Residential Care Home

On Wednesday 4 October our resident Gracie celebrated her birthday with friends at Woodstock Residential Care Home.

Gracie received lots of cards and presents for her birthday and she was presented with a gorgeous cake made by our Cook as we sang ‘Happy birthday’ to her.

Gracie was happy to share her cake with everyone to accompany a lovely cup of tea.

Peter celebrated his birthday with us on Wednesday 11 October, receiving lots of gifts and enjoying visits from his family. Peter loved his football birthday cake as he particularly enjoys chatting about his time playing football in Faversham.

He was also very pleased with the handmade card made by his wife for his birthday, featuring a hand-stitched photo of a hawker hunter plane, how amazing!

Many happy returns!


Gracie with her cake at Woodstock Residential Care Home




