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Spooky pumpkin carving fun at Woodstock Residential Care Home

Some of our residents at Woodstock Residential Care Home got together for our annual pumpkin carving day on Monday 23 October.

We started by opening up the pumpkins with help from our Activities team, who carefully cut off the tops to get inside. Next we used spoons (and some of us were brave enough to use our hands!) to start scooping out the stringy orange contents and seeds of the pumpkin. This was particularly messy and had everyone laughing and sharing their own experiences of pumpkin carving.

This activity was a great way to improve our fine motor skills and concentration skills, and we were surprised to find out that this was some of our residents’ first times carving a pumpkin for Halloween.

We then drew templates of what we wanted our faces to look like and carved out our scary faces with help from our team members. We shared stories of pumpkin carving with our families and what our Halloween traditions are.

It was amazing creating such a spooky selection of different Halloween faces and we are proud to have them put outside our Home to make an eye-catching display. Our residents wanted to place electric tea lights in them to create a brilliant light up effect in the dark.

Wishing you a ‘Happy Halloween’ from everyone at Woodstock – we can’t wait for more spooky festivities in the upcoming week!


Carving pumpkins at Woodstock Residential Care Home





