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Woodstock Residential Care Home residents make garden bird feeders

On Sunday here at Woodstock Residential Care Home we were getting ready for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch by making bird feeders to put in our garden.

Our ladies and gents got stuck in forming fat balls, using lard and bird seeda lovely sticky job!

We first worked the lard with our hands, breaking it into smaller pieces and making it soft enough to mould into shapes. Then we added bird seed to the lard and began combining the two together to form the balls.

We plan to hang our bird feeders from the trees, so we added a piece of wool to the middle of each ball. Then we placed them on trays and in the fridge overnight to set.

Today we will be placing them on the trees outside to encourage a variety of birds into our garden. We will be watching and counting how many come to visit us!




