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A walk in the park for Woodstock Residential Care Home residents

Puzzle time

Our residents here at Woodstock Residential Care Home have been enjoying completing some puzzles over the last week; we made the most of the beautiful sunshine and headed out into the garden to sit down and tackle the puzzles together.

Everyone enjoyed the challenge and felt a great sense of achievement when it was completed. Some of our ladies enjoyed the activity so much that they asked to do another in the evening.

Knit and natter

Last week, we took the time to relax and take part in ‘Knit and Natter’. We set up knitting stations where our residents would weave the cotton through the holes and create different designs.

We all enjoyed getting creative and chatting with each other whilst we were doing this. It brought back fond memories for a few of our residents who were able to tell stories of relatives who have knitted clothes for their dollies when they were young.


We also played a few fun games of Bingo while enjoying some tea and biscuits. Our residents enjoyed taking part in the traditional Bingo calls and ‘Clicking and Quacking’ when the right numbers were called.

Treats like sherbet lemons, dolly mixtures and nice smelling toiletries were up for grabs if our residents got a ‘line’ or ‘house’; they enjoyed shouting out “Bingo!” when they had won, and everyone cheered for each other!

Cycling challenge

Here at Woodstock, our residents enjoyed their own cycling challenge for the start of Tour de France; we set them a task to reach 2,000 pedals collectively, across the Home. Everyone loved getting in the spirit of the days challenge!

A walk in the park

On Friday 1 July we took a walk down to our local park; our ladies and gents enjoyed looking at all the different houses along the way and the flowers in the gardens. We met some of our families in the park and we all got a drink and a biscuit while soaking up some sunshine and listening to the birds.

It was a lovely experience to relive some childhood memories playing on the swings and roundabout in the park; we all had fun and enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine.


