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A week of birthdays at Woodstock Residential Care Home

Here at Woodstock Residential Care Home we’ve celebrated another week full of birthday celebrations.

The week started off with Joan’s birthday, who had a lovely pink cake made for her. Joan received lots of visits from her family and enjoyed sharing her celebrations with her loved ones.

We then celebrated Molly’s birthday, who received a lovely puréed cake, specially made by our Chef Damon for her to enjoy on her special day.

It was Jen’s birthday next and she was taken out for lunch with her husband and friends which was a fantastic treat she thoroughly enjoyed.

The week finished off with Michele’s birthday. She had an enjoyable visit from her daughter and received a lovely cat teddy. We also put our language skills to the test and sung ‘Happy birthday’ to her in French – which she said was very good!

We have really enjoyed making our ladies feel special this week and wish them all many happy returns!



